office (813) 757-0033

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few questions that we are often asked, these may answer questions you have but it may be easier to call and discuss with us.

Q: What machinery do you work on?
A: The majority of the machinery that we work on is converting and/or packaging related, although we have worked on a lot of different types of machinery. It would be best to give us a call and check.

Q: Can you help with selecting machinery?
A: Yes, we have many years of experience working with packaging machinery, and understand the operation of machinery as well as what features may be required for the equipment to be integrated with you existing machinery to create well functioning integrated packaging line. We have relationships and contacts with machinery manufacturers that allow us to work closely during the specification, this ensures a smoother installation and startup as a lot of the normal installation issues are resolved earlier in a project.

Q: What are your hourly rates?
A: This will vary depending on the work required, whether it is design, assembly or wiring. This can also vary depending on the project, some projects can be quoted as a complete job but some may require an hourly rate.  

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